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Korea Sparkling

This is it. The Blog's Name

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - - 0 Comments

My Blog Invasion. I have tried so many names to my blog because I want it to catch the attention of all its readers out there and a name that best fits its content. So from a long name formulation I ended up with this one. I have started with a name such as Great Minds Meet, Blogging is the Name of the Game to Just a Click in My World and finally to this one: My Blog Invasion. This name is good which I think will maximize its site’s traffic. I’m not good in writing by the way, but I really want to learn it. I have that eagerness and willingness to try something that would help me improve some areas in my life. So, I’m making this blog just to express myself and my creativity as a student and as human being. I really want to try something that my friends and classmates don’t know about me (huhu…In a blogging field). Sometimes reinventing oneself is good, for you to know what other things that you can also do. I am a new man today, I had jumped over the adolescence fence into the adulthood side. That's when I began to think of writing any topic under the sun. I want to write in what flows from my pen. And I will write some more.

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