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Korea Sparkling

Election 2010

Monday, May 11, 2009 - - 0 Comments

EACH TIME you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure. --Joseph Sugarman

Starting today it's a 365 days countdown for the 2010 Election. The campaign season will set in motion and Filipinos again face challenge of finding the right persons for public office, it is high time to reconsider our voting practices and find more ways to vote wisely.
The right of suffrage or the right to vote is more than a right; it is also a privilege and an opportunity.
As a right, it is inviolable and sacred. It must be protected at all costs. From the birth of a child the right to vote begins, whether he or she grows up to be an ordinary citizen or another politician. This right is personal. A proxy or substitute cannot exercise it.
Within the context of the international community and the number of countries under military or communist rule, voting is a privilege.
We are fortunate to have democracy reigning in our country. This privilege, however, carries with it the burden of responsibility and accountability. We need to guard this privilege, which some of our ancestors only dreamed of.
Yes, my ballot may just be a whisper, but combined with other voices, it becomes a loud cry that will awaken the slumbering spirit of patriotism and nationalism.
As a vote sellers know, the right to vote is wonderful opportunity to earn extra money. But that is not the opportunity I am talking about. Election time is an opportunity to unseat the corrupt and anoint the righteous. It is a rare opportunity to help determine the fate of the country. When the elected or appointed officials take office, it is then that the people reap the fruit of how exercise the opportunity to elect.
Sadly, in the belief that there is no clean candidate, some Filipinos forfeit their right to vote by boycotting the elections. Doing so, however, does not make the fate of this country any ray brighter.

Don't forget your appointment on May 11, 2010. Make a difference. Go out and vote for the future of your children and your country.
Ballot box photo from :

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