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Korea Sparkling

Get to Know Gyeongju

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - - 0 Comments

It's the massive burial mounds, brown and dusted by frost in the winter, and carpeted with a dark-green nap in the summer, which punctuate any visit to Gyeongju. Rising here and there in populated and rural areas, they dominate all other physical realities in this riverine valley between Daegu and Busan. The mounds memorial tombs or neung in Korean, represents the glory that was Silla, and the wonders contained within are now waiting to be unearthened. The area around the city is also full of interest - secluded temples, including famous Bulguk-sa, abound in the wooded hills of Namsan and Tohamsan.

To know more about Gyeongju, visit :

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