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Korea Sparkling

Ganghwa-do, Island of Refuge

Sunday, November 22, 2009 - - 0 Comments

Gangwa-do, an island 50 km (31 miles) northwest of Seoul across the narrow Yeomha Strait, is steeped in history. To get there, catch an express bus at Seoul'd Sinchon bus terminal; the journey takes approximately 90 minutes. Ganghwa town is small and easy-going, ideal for tourists to walk around its market place and handicraft shops. Korea's finest rushcraft weaving is meticulously created on the island, so in local shops you'll find numerous baskets of all kinds. You can also see fine floor mats and doorway hangings that are woven so perfectly they let summer breezes in while filtering out pesky warm-weather mosquitos. Another kind of weaving - silkweaving - is also specialty of this town - you can hear the sound of machines clacking out reams of silk as you walk along Ganghwa's streets and footpaths.

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