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Korea Sparkling

The Way of Tea - Korean Style

Thursday, September 24, 2009 - - 1 Comments

Green Tea is increasingly popular worldwide, and Korean green tea is the best there is. Yet almost no-one seems to have heard of it.

The drinking of tea (cha) was introduced to Korea and Japan around 7th centuries AD by Buddhist monks from China. Over the following centuries, tea drinking remained closely linked with Buddhism; when a new dynasty, the Joseon, took control of the Korean peninsula in the 14th century and decided to break the power of Buddhism, the tradition was almost completely lost. In the 19th century the Buddhist monk Cho Ui, followed by Hyodang in the 20th century, led revivals that are only now beginning to bear fruit.

To know more about green tea, visit:

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Kang Sang-yo said...

Green tea is so yummy..! I can't resist of drinking 4-5 glasses a day..

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